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Gorilla Trekking for the Elderly and Disabled

For tourists who are elderly or disabled, gorilla trekking is planned the same way as it does for everyone else. They are allocated to gorilla groups that are near the park headquarters which is the sole change. Everyone who is unable to steer long distances might hire specialized porters and a sedan chair. Due to this, we create specific gorilla packages with our elder clients’ well-being and overall health. Gorilla Trekking for the Elderly and also the Disabled concentrates on how to protect these unique populations from the difficulties of trekking.

Mountain gorillas are arguably the foremost intriguing primates on earth. Everyone wants to work out and see them because they cannot thrive in captivity like the other lowland gorillas. To see mountain gorillas, you have to travel to Africa. They can only be seen in three African countries and that is DR Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. In Rwanda, the gorillas are found in the Volcanoes National Park while in Congo they live in the Virunga national park. Uganda is lucky to have half of the 1,000 remaining mountain gorillas in two national parks and that is Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Possibly the most fascinating primate species on the planet are mountain gorillas. They are in high demand because, unlike other lowland gorillas, they cannot survive in captivity. Only the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda is home to these mountain gorillas in Africa. The Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and Virunga National Park in Congo is where they can be found. Due to serendipity, half of the last 1,000 mountain gorillas live in Uganda’s two national parks, Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Gorilla excursions are expensive because the cost of a gorilla permit to enter Rwanda and Uganda is $1500 in Rwanda and $700 in Uganda. Considering mountain gorillas are an endangered species, gorilla licenses are in high demand.

Depending on which gorilla family one is allocated to, tracking mountain gorillas might be very difficult. It is crucial to arrive prepared and in good physical condition. If you’re lucky, it might only take you 30 minutes to locate some gorilla groups that are located near the starting point for tracking though gorilla trekking can occasionally take up to six hours.

Distance is not the sole thing that one must fret about when deciding to track gorillas. As their name suggests, mountain gorillas live in mountainous areas with high altitudes (between 2,300 and 4,500 meters). Before attending to the gorilla family, the trek may involve passing through challenging terrain, steep slopes, and slippery trails. These challenges can be controversial for people with disabilities, the elderly, seniors, and those who might not be in good physical shape for whatever reason.

When considering whether to track gorillas, one must consider other factors as well. Mountain gorillas dwell in hilly regions at high altitudes, as their name implies (between 2,300 and 4,500 meters). The walk may require navigating difficult terrain, steep slopes, and slick pathways before reaching the gorilla family. Therefore People with impairments, the aged, seniors, and those who may not be in good physical shape for any reason may find these challenges to be problematic.

All you need to know about gorilla trekking for the elderly and people with disabilities

As discussed above, one could be wondering if gorilla trekking is admittedly something they must opt for given their physical limitations or age. Gorilla trekking is not just for the youthful or people who are energetic and young. You don’t have to go for other wildlife encounters and miss out on the absolute best simply because of your age, fitness, or physical limitations. In fact, most travelers who attend to track gorillas are 30 years and above. You are never too old for gorilla trekking as long as you are allowed on a plane. If you wondering whether to bring your mum or granny for gorilla trekking, then you wish to know that it is very possible as long as they will take a flight.

Before arranging a trip to see the gorillas, tell your tour guide about any physical constraints or fitness concerns. This may make it easier for the operator to form necessary plans and work with park authorities to line up any specific equipment. You may even be given a special tour vehicle, as well as, if necessary, porters and sedan chairs. The company will share the cost of the stand with you after adding the cost of the porters and sedan chairs to the general costs. The elderly or people with mobility issues who are unable to travel great distances are lifted using sedan chairs with handlers, seat belts, and a steel foundation.

The availability of gorilla permits is another factor considered when deciding where to place gorilla families, in addition to mountaineering expertise and physical health. It becomes difficult to seek out a better excursion once the majority of gorilla permits are reserved. So as to urge a gorilla group near a tracking location, seniors are encouraged to create their travel arrangements a minimum of three months in advance. When tracking mountain gorillas for 2 days or more, a tourist will be placed in a different group from the one they previously witnessed. A gorilla family can only be tracked by 8 individuals per day. So as to safeguard the primates from stress and prolonged contact that could expose them to human diseases.

All passports will be checked at the time of the briefing by the Rangers and wardens, who will also note anyone who might require extra care. If a person is over 60 and in good physical shape, they will be sent to a gorilla family nearby. If you are 60 years old and in good health, you might ask for a longer trek for more excitement and adventure in the wilderness While searching for mountain gorillas, there are many things to discover along the journey, you’ll see stunning wildlife, including birds, primates, insects, butterflies, moths, and many others.

Another option is to use a bamboo stretcher built locally to transport disabled individuals to the forest. The elderly are carried by 12 powerful native porters, four at a time. Only four men can lift the sedan chair or stretcher. When the first four need a break, the others will take over. The porters understand the terrain and vegetation since they spend their entire lives in the area. Before they find the mountain gorillas, the porters will carry the senior and not let him or her contact the floor. The porters will once more raise the seniors after observing the gorillas and bring them back to the initial location to meet their company driver.

Depending on the client’s weight, the price of the Sedan chairs ranges from $400 to $500. Non-disabled individuals who are worried about their fitness levels can hire porters to help them with the hike’s challenging sections, and hold their bulky packs and recording equipment.

Older people might need to bring their own specific trekking sticks, by recruiting them, you could improve the financial situation of porters. Many of the porters are either married with huge families to support or students searching for extra cash to pay for education. Despite how insignificant it may seem, you would have a significant impact on their life.

It is significant to mention that Bwindi is the national park most suitable for senior trekkers among those offering gorilla trekking. Due to the fact that it is located in a rather hilly region. Unlike the other three national parks, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is not located inside the Virunga mountain range. Unlike Mgahinga and the Volcanoes National Park, it is lower in elevation and has more level pathways. Since many gorilla families reside on lower terrain, the hike is simpler.

It’s also vital to keep in mind that more habituated gorilla groups are accessible for monitoring in Bwindi due to the higher density of mountain gorillas there. In Bwindi, there are 17 habituated gorilla families and it is divided into four sectors: Rushaga, Nkuringo, Ruhija, and Buhoma with their own gorilla families.

The Ruhija sector of gorilla trekking is fantastic for seniors, after wandering from the starting point for 30 minutes, you’ll be lucky to come across a gorilla family. If you want to know if you can join a specific group near the initial point, ask your tour operator. What was simpler to trace a year ago might have relocated further away from the park headquarters because the group arrangements change every year. In spite of the sector you select for gorilla tracking, it is crucial to keep in mind that the time it takes to find the gorillas is uncertain.

Other factors to think about while taking elderly people for gorilla trekking

Elderly hikers may be concerned about security in the park in addition to their capacity to complete the trek because they are already frail and even vulnerable. Gorilla trekking is quite safe and secure in Rwanda and Uganda. Although there haven’t been any instances of gunmen in Uganda or Rwanda in more than 20 years, park officials take no chances. Due to past security incidents, the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo can be uncertain. Security is still tighter even then than it is in Rwanda and Uganda. In order to go gorilla trekking in the Congo, one must become accustomed to several security checks and ranger escorts

The travel time from Entebbe or Kampala to Bwindi Impenetrable forest is another concern for travelers. For this issue, there are two options. One should travel from Kigali, Rwanda, which is closer to the Bwindi impenetrable forest and takes about 3 hours. Local flights are pricey, but the benefit is the travel time and distance. A local chartered flight can also be arranged from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi airstrip to the closest airstrip in Bwindi as an alternative to the lengthy driving route, the flight takes only one hour.  Instead of arriving in Entebbe, Uganda, one should travel from Kigali, Rwanda.

You don’t need to fret if your budget does not permit a local flight to Bwindi. The gorilla parks are situated in regions with outstanding animal reserves and breathtaking scenery. Even if you wish to travel by road, you won’t become lonely. You will come across breathtaking national parks, mountains, valleys, and unspoiled African nature that will astound you. Tour operators frequently plan brief break stops and side trips to undiscovered attractions like the equator. The excursion can be planned to save driving time if you combine gorilla trekking with other animal experiences. Up until you locate the gorillas, you would make stops in several national parks every day.

The lodging options in and near the gorilla parks are of a high caliber. They include everything from ultra-luxury lodging to luxury accommodations to mid-priced and inexpensive choices. Your budget will determine everything. Conventional cottages with grass-thatched rooftops, self-contained tented camps, dorms, and straightforward campsites serve as the accommodations. The majority of these hotels were designed to make it simple for individuals with impairments to move around.

Elderly folks need to be aware of what to bring for a gorilla trip, aside from getting a simpler group and being transported in sedan chairs. A gorilla trekking packing list should include walking sticks, hiking boots, hand gloves, rain jackets, sweaters, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, and first aid kits. Try to bring extra water and energy snacks with you when you go gorilla trekking, these will support maintaining a healthy, and active body.

It’s crucial to prepare beforehand by jogging around your home premises if you are middle-aged but rather inactive. If you reside in a hilly, mountainous, or forested location, take advantage of the opportunity to walk around to get your body ready for your excursion. Strolling, climbing, light running, and long-distance walking are additional activities that can help you get ready for gorilla trekking. travelers would like to visit our 3 days of gorilla trekking in Bwindi to have the experience.


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